How much food do you think you throw away every year? Ten pounds? Twenty pounds? The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that each American tosses out 225-290 pounds of food annually. That’s the weight of two teenagers! You can do the math – a family of four creates roughly one thousand pounds of food waste
Reducing Your Refrigerated Food Waste
A lot of food goes to waste in the typical U.S. family’s kitchen. TIME reported that the average family throws away $640 worth of food every year. That’s enough to feed a family of four for a whole month! At Food for Others, it is important for us to try to reduce this waste in
Reducing food waste: It can start in our own kitchen cabinets
Reducing Food Waste: It can start in our own kitchens I really hate to throw away food. As a volunteer at Food for Others, I’m continually reminded that hunger is very real, food is not free, and each one of us can be a force for good in the fight against hunger. According to the
Wegmans Check out Hunger Campaign helps families in Northern Virginia
Wegmans in Fairfax has launched its Check out Hunger campaign benefiting Food for Others. From now through December 14, when shoppers check out at Wegmans in Fairfax, cashiers will give them the option to add a donation to Food for Others. For several years, Check out Hunger has helped Food for Others fight food insecurity