The Emergency Referral Food Program provides people in an emergency situation with about 3 to 5 days’ worth of food.
If you are in need of food: one way you can receive food is through a referral.
To get a referral to receive food from our warehouse, please contact your social worker or have your social worker contact us. Your social worker may need to visit the “Make a Referral” page for instructions.
You can find a social worker by contacting Coordinated Services. The Fairfax County number is 703-222-0880. Food for Others will also accept referrals from non-profit organizations with a 501c3 that aim to improve the chances of success of individuals & families. These organizations include other food providers, schools, and religious places of worship, such as mosques, churches, temples, synagogues and chapels.
If you have school-age children, you can receive a referral through their school social worker. If you are visiting a dialysis clinic, housing center, or other community health site, they may have someone who can refer you.
We will accept referrals from Medical Professionals that aim to improve one’s health through nutrition.

Emergency Referral Guidelines
- A client can have a maximum of 8 referrals in a fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th).
- A client may only have 1 referral per calendar week.
- One referral equals one visit. An additional allotment of food would require an additional referral.
- Once we receive the referral, you have up to 2 weeks to come in and retrieve the food from our office at 2938 Prosperity Ave, Fairfax, VA 22031. You’ll receive a message to the phone number or email your social worker provided that will let you know your referral has been received.
- When you come to pick up your referral, please bring in a form of ID showing where they live. It can be a driver’s license or a piece of mail with their name and address on it. For example, a bill, letter from their child’s school, etc. A passport can also be used as the picture ID.
- Some families picking up a referral will also find out that they qualify for additional food through the USDA Program. Families qualify for USDA food based on income.