Warehouse Food Distribution
We operate two programs out of our warehouse, Emergency Referral and USDA. Emergency Food operations at our warehouse provide 3-5 days’ worth of non-perishables as well as milk, eggs, and other fresh items to people referred by various social service providers.
Families who qualify based on income eligibility may also receive food through our USDA program 1x per month.
As of January 2023, we have opened our new and improved My Market. Now, families who visit our warehouse can select their own items in a client choice pantry and access wrap around services to help them work towards greater food security. The market is intended to make seeking emergency food assistance a more comfortable experience, enabling families to select items based on their cultural preferences and dietary needs.
Additional Distribution Locations
Neighborhood Sites:
Food for Others operates 11 neighborhood sites. Families can receive supplementary food from them. Check out our Neighborhood Sites page for more information.
Mobile Sites:
Food for Others operates 6 mobile sites. At a mobile site, families can pick up 3-5 days worth of food with an emergency referral from a social worker. Learn more about our emergency referral program (where families can receive food at either our warehouse or a mobile site) here: Emergency Referral Program.
Power Pack Program
Food for Others Power Pack Program provides weekend meal packs for students experiencing food insecurity. The program currently serve 45 schools and roughly 3,594 students each week.
To learn more about the program and how you can get involved, visit our Power Pack page here:P3 Overview
Community Partners
Food for Others currently works with multiple community partners. These partners distribute food to more localized communities, and by distributing food to them, we expand the number of families experiencing food insecurity who we reach.
Some of them run smaller food pantries or distribute food through their own sites or programming. View our Community Partners page for a list of our partners.