
Summer Produce Stands

Summer is here, and with it comes beautiful and nutritious fruits and vegetables available at Food for Others! One of our favorite parts of summer is our produce pop-up stands outside My Market. These pop-up stands provide our clients with greater access to fresh, seasonal produce – one of the most requested items in our pantry. 

Pop-up produce stands offer clients additional food after “shopping” in My Market. Determined by availability, an array of seasonal fresh produce is available in addition to the food individuals have already selected from the pantry. Much of the additional produce available at the pop-up stands comes from donations, JK Community Farm, farmers market gleaning efforts, and initiatives like the Tysons Corner Center Giving Garden. The initiative increases the produce available for food-insecure families, both meeting requests for more fresh food and promoting a healthier community.   

Produce stands are staffed by the Food for Others’ summer student interns. These interns have come from a variety of institutions and programs, including the GMU Masters of Dietetics and Nutrition program. Playing an instrumental role, Food for Others’ interns are available for clients who have questions about the produce available at the stands. 

While fresh tomatoes and crisp lettuce are always popular, the offerings at our produce stands extend past food. Depending on availability, seedling and small plants may be available for clients. Here, clients can choose from a variety of plants, allowing them to cultivate their own fresh produce at home. This empowers families to not only enjoy the fruits (and vegetables!) of their labor, but also fosters a sense of self-sufficiency and connection to their food. 

Last year, 32% of the food distributed at Food for Others was fresh produce. These produce stands are a continuation of that commitment to providing healthy options for Fairfax County families facing food insecurity.