Taking Action During Hunger Action Month

At Food for Others, September marks more than just the changing of seasons, it’s a time where our community gathers together for Hunger Action Month. Hunger Action Month, observed each September, serves as a reminder of the power of collective action and compassion – two ideals that are reflected in the Food for Others mission

A Note of Recognition for former Executive Director Annie Turner

As Summer 2023 draws to a close, the Food for Others community says goodbye to former Executive Director, Annie Turner. We reflect on the legacy that Annie is leaving behind and the impact her leadership and passion have had on our community.  While some of us only know Annie as the Executive Director, her work

Growing our Community: A Look into Peace Lutheran’s Gardens

“Here [we] have more” – Martha, a Peace Lutheran community gardener, shared as she walked throughout her garden plots.  Since 2017, Peace Lutheran Church has hosted one of the Food for Others affiliated gardens through a local nonprofit Food Uniting Neighbors (FUN). The gardens are filled with vibrant leafy greens, burrowed beets, and plump tomatoes. It

Composting – The Basics

As we jump into Farmers Market season, pursuing the vendors of ripe strawberries, leafy greens, and fresh bread may come to mind. Farmers Markets are an amazing setting to find fresh, local produce and, due to Fairfax County expanding their 2022 initiative, somewhere to drop off your compost!  Composting is the process of naturally recycling