
Thanksgiving Thank You from the Food for Others Team

FFO Community,  

Just when we thought circumstances would change for the better, they became worse for many in our community. Those that were back on their feet, are now struggling again to put food on their tables.  This renewed concern and uncertainty brought many things to light, including how incredibly lucky we are to have the support of this amazing community. With circumstances changing and many new families struggling, those able and willing have continued to show up and stand up for those who need a hand.  

I was recently reminded that obstacles can lead to growth, but only if we remain hopeful. That hope is inevitable if we continue to envision a better tomorrow and take action. This Thanksgiving we are grateful for our community that takes action when called upon and empowers us to support our neighbors experiencing food insecurity. Thank you for standing with us through this journey and providing hope for so many. It is through community that we are truly able to make an impact.  

On behalf of the Food for Others team, we wish you and your loved ones a holiday filled with hope and gratitude!  

Many thanks,  

Annie Turner, Executive Director